Our Instructors

  • Owner/Lead Instructor

    I have been a firearms enthusiast for over 25 years, shooting has always been a passion for me. I began my career as a first responder in 2003, I have worked in a variety of roles in emergency services ranging from firefighter to flight paramedic. It is very fulfilling to be able to combine my passion with my profession. Throughout my career, I have seen the best and the worse that human beings are capable of. I believe that everyone should be their own first responder. It is my goal to provide my students with the knowledge, skills, and confidence to safely and responsibly carry a firearm in their everyday lives. Being your own first responder isn’t simply carrying a firearm for self defense. Situational awareness and knowing how to recognize & treat medical emergencies as well as traumatic injuries may be the difference between life and death for you or a loved one. Train with confidence and be prepared to rise to the occasion when the unexpected occurs.

    USCCA, NRA, NCDOJ, & AHA Certified Instructor.

Every gun owner needs to take advantage of what the USCCA offers and understand what will most likely happen in the aftermath of a self-defense incident. Click the link below to get your FREE 6 Things You Didn’t Know Would Happen When the Police Arrive guide